The Plan

What makes the Nutribar plan so successful is the fact that there is a whole team of experts here wanting to help you achieve your goals, whether it is to start eating healthier, or to maintain or lose weight. In this section we provide you with all the tools to help you succeed.

Meal Replacements

Healthy Weight Loss Plan

Like most Canadians who are looking to lose weight, you want to drop pounds – now – and yet the proliferation of information on dieting  and weight loss is so staggering that you may not know how to begin…

Meal Replacements

Meal Replacements

Meal replacement bars are how you can learn to consume food in smaller, nutritionally satisfying amounts without feeling deprived. A portion-controlled meal replacement bar contains protein, carbohydrates, fat and dietary fiber in satisfying amounts, along with the essential vitamins and minerals in amounts your body needs…

Meal Replacements

The Science Behind Nutribar

What sets a great weight loss product apart from others is its scientific support to confirm its safety and efficacy. Nutribar has conducted numerous studies to evaluate the effectiveness of its products in weight loss, fat loss and overall body composition and dimension improvements as well as satiety (feeling of fullness) and taste acceptability…

Meal Replacements

Transition to Maintenance

You’ve dieted and exercised and dieted some more and finally you have reached your weight loss goal.  Now how do you ensure that you keep that weight off? Unfortunately, only about a third of dieters are successful at maintaining their weight loss over an extended period of time…

Meal Replacements

8 Benefits of Exercise Beyond Weight Loss

We all know that exercise is good for us. And that it will help us maintain a healthy weight. We know we should exercise daily. And that we should be doing aerobics. And pilates. Weight bearing exercises. Yoga, zumba, swimming, kegel exercises, cycling and don’t forget a brisk walk in the fresh air…

Meal Replacements

Nutrition and Wellness

Nutrition is the science of food – the way the body ingests, digests, absorbs, transports, utilizes and excretes food. It is the process of nourishing your body with all the essentials it requires to thrive on a daily basis.Just as exercise influences body weight, so does the nutritional value of foods. Nutrition is the one factor that can make or break the attainment of your weight loss goal, yet it is often overlooked…

Meal Replacements

Success Stories

It’s never too late to adopt a healthier lifestyle and to realize the benefits from it. Thousands of adults have been leading healthy lifestyles with Nutribar through their commitment to eating better and exercising more…

Meal Replacements

Tools and Downloads

The best way to measure weight loss success is to set a reasonable goal, then monitor your achievements. We provide you with the necessary tools to track your progress as you change old habits into healthy new ones…

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